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Dungeons of Neverknown

A rogue-like experiment.

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Dungeons of Neverknown >

Color Alphabet

I decided to identify every character in the game based on their primary color. Unfortunately, some of the common color names start with the same character so in those cases I reserved the character for the most common color. On the other hand, for some of the characters, I couldn’t come up with a good color.

In the end, I left with 12 colors. The black and the white, the 3 primary colors with azure instead of blue, the 3 secondary colors, and 4 additional ones.

I left out material names like silver, gold, diamond, emerald, etc. because they might be confusing as a color of a character’s attribute. e.g a diamond scaled monster would sound tougher than it really is.

So here are the full list of colors: